Thursday, June 9, 2011

Back on the boat again! :)

We splashed the boat this morning and brought the boat back up to Georgetown to refuel and get more water. We are enjoying the air conditioning along with coffee and lemonade in the Blue deli that has free wifi.

It was windy and rainy last night and today it is just rainy with little to no wind. Frodo is doing well and all systems are go with respect to the engine and the other electronics. We encountered no problems putting the boat back in the water and the lift dropped us in the water in less than 20 minutes. :)

We enjoyed lunch (grilled chicken sandwiches & fries) along with a few Sands & Kalik's at Chat N' Chills before setting our anchor outside Georgetown.

We checked our food and fuel inventory on the boat and had to throw a good bit of food away and removed about a gallon of fuel. We also dropped our bilge keels and repainted the bottom while at Master's Harbor Marina. They charged $400 (!!) for a gallon of paint with tin to help prevent growth. After we left the harbor we found the boat was much more maneuverable and swift! :) We were traveling at 5 knots with just the engine going (maybe at half speed or so) and with just the head sail and very light winds we were going at 2.5 knots. This is much better than before with the fin keels attached! :)

We look forward to our travels ahead this summer and much more so now that we have lost some "fat." :) We hope for fair winds...

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